K. Barriales, S. Kassem, D. Sementa, A. V. Ceballos, T. Wang, S. Khandaker, R. R. Abzalimov, A. Jain, S. Elbaum-Garfinkle and R. V. Ulijn, Localized and regulated peptide pigment formation inside liquid droplets through confined enzymatic oxidation, Chem. Commun. (2023). Link
J. Son, J. Sabio, A. Jain and R. V. Ulijn, Ten steps to organize a virtual scientific symposium and engage your global audience, Global Challenges 6, 2200005 (2022). Link
A. Jain^*, S. Kassem^, R. S. Fisher, B. Wang, T.-D. Li, T. Wang, Y. He, S. Elbaum-Garfinkle*, and R. V. Ulijn*, Connected peptide modules enable controlled co-existence of self-assembled fibers inside liquid condensates, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 15002-15007 (2022). Link
A. Jain, S. A.McPhee, T. Wang, M. N. Nair, D. Kroiss, T. Z. Jia and R. V. Ulijn, Tractable molecular adaptation patterns in a designed complex peptide system, Chem, 8, 1894-1905 (2022). Link
A. Jain, A. Calò, D. Barceló and M. Kumar, Supramolecular systems chemistry through advanced analytical techniques, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 414, 5105-5119 (2022). Link
F. Sheehan^, D. Semanta^, A. Jain^, M. Kumar^, M. Tayarani^, D. Kroiss^ and R. V. Ulijn, Peptide-based supramolecular systems chemistry, Chem. Rev. 121, 13869-13914 (2021). Link
A. Jain and R. V. Ulijn, Restoring order, Nat. Chem. 12, 428-429 (2020) (News and Views). Link
C. G. Pappas, N. Wijerathne, J. K. Sahoo, A. Jain, D. Kroiss, I. R. Sasselli, A. S. Pina, A. Lampel and R. V. Ulijn, Spontaneous aminolytic cyclization and self‐assembly of dipeptide methyl esters in water, ChemSystemsChem (2020). Link
A. Jain, S. Dhiman, A. Dhayani, P. K. Vemula and S. J. George, Chemical fuel-driven living and transient supramolecular polymerization, Nat. Commun. (2019). Link
A. Mishra, D. B. Korlepara, M. Kumar, A. Jain, N. Jonnalagadda, K. K. Bejagam, S. Balasubramanian and S. J. George, Biomimetic temporal self-assembly via fuel-driven controlled supramolecular polymerization, Nat. Commun. (2018). Link
S. Roy, D. Mumbaraddi, A. Jain, S. J. George and S. C. Peter, Crystal engineering in supramolecular polyoxometalate hybrids through pH controlled in situ ligand hydrolysis, Inorg. Chem., 57, 590-601 (2018). Link
S. Dhiman, A. Jain, M. Kumar and S. J. George, Adenosine-phosphate-fueled, temporally programmed supramolecular polymers with multiple transient states, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139, 16568-16575 (2017). Link
K. Jalani, S. Dhiman, A. Jain* and S. J. George*, Temporal switching of an amphiphilic self-assembly by a chemical fuel-driven conformational response, Chemical Science, 8, 6030-6036 (2017). Link
S. Dhiman, A. Jain and S. J. George, Transient helicity: fuel-driven temporal control over conformational switching in a supramolecular polymer, Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed., 56, 1329-1333 (2016). Link
A. Jain and S. J. George, Supramolecular electronics: Meshing organic nanowires, Nat. Nano., 11, 843-844 (2016) (News and Views). Link
A. Jain, A. Achari, M. Eswaramoorthy and S. J. George, Light induced in situ post-modification of clay-chromophore hybrids for multiple white light emissions, J. Mater. Chem. C, 4, 2748-2751 (2016). Link
A. Jain, A. Achari, N. Mothi, M. Eswaramoorthy and S. J. George, Shining the light on clay-chromophore hybrids: layered templates for accelerated ring closure photo-oxidation, Chemical Science, 6, 6334-6340 (2015). Link
A. Jain and S. J. George, New directions in supramolecular electronics, Materials Today, 18, 206-214 (2015). Link
S. J. George, A. Jain and K. V. Rao, Supramolecular materials for opto-electronics (Book Chapter), RSC Smart Material Series (2014). Link
K. V. Rao, A. Jain and S. J. George, Organic-inorganic light-harvesting scaffolds for luminescent hybrids, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2, 3055-3064 (2014). Link
B. Narayan, S. P. Senanayak, A. Jain, K. S. Narayan and S. J. George, Self-assembly of π-conjugated amphiphiles: free standing, ordered sheets with enhanced mobility, Adv. Funct. Mater, 23, 3053-3060 (2013). Link
H.S.S.R.Matte, A. Jain and S. J. George, A covalently linked graphene-oligo(phenylenevinylene) adduct: self-organization and photo-physical properties, RSC Advances, 2, 6290-6294 (2012). Link
A. Jain, K. V. Rao, C. Kulkarni, A. George and S. J. George, Fluorescent coronene monoimide gels via H- bonding induced frustrated dipolar assembly, Chem. Commun., 48, 1467-1469 (2012). Link
A. Jain, K. V. Rao, U. Mogera, A. A. Sagade and S. J. George, Dynamic self-assembly of charge-transfer nanofibers of tetrathiafulvalene derivatives with F4TCNQ, Chem. Eur. J., 17, 12355-12361 (2011). Link
A. Jain, K. V. Rao, A. Goswami and S. J. George, Metal selective co-ordinative self-assembly of pi-donors, J. Chem. Sci., 123, 773-781 (2011). Link
U. Maitra, A. Jain, S. J. George and C. N. R. Rao, Tunable fluorescence in chromophore-functionalized nanodiamonds induced by energy transfer, Nanoscale, 3, 3192-3197 (2011). Link